On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 05:29:29PM +0200, Henrik Johansen wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have posted this before, but recieved no responses what so ever.

That's probably because you've left out too much important information, and
nobody felt like coaxing it out of you.

How is this message delivered? From a users/assign assignment? If so, what does
the pertinent line in users/assign say?

What version of checkpassword are you using? If it's not the standard one and
you're using some kind of pop user database, what does it say in your pop user
database? What user do you expect qmail-pop3d to be running as when it tries to
collect the mail?

Here's what I'm getting at here: delivered mail is owned by popuser, but at
retrieval time, qmail-pop3d isn't running as popuser and doesn't have
permission to read the message.


> When a mail is succesfully delivered, and I want to read it from pop3 the
> following happens:
> telnet mail.domain.com 110
> Trying w.x.y.z
> Connected to domain.com.
> Escape is...
> +OK ...
> user johndoe
> +OK
> pass pop3password
> +OK
> list
> 1 265
> .
> > retr 1
> -ERR unable to open that message
> > quit
> the messages in domain-com/johndoe/Maildir/new/ is created with these permissions
> -rw------- 1 popuser popuser 265 jul 27 12:00 xxxxxx.domain.com
> "popuser" is a user with shell=/bin/false
> It seems that mails are created with wrong permission? OR??
> If I manually change permission to -rw-r----- I can "retr" the mail though.
> Anyone knows how to setup the correct permissions?
> And what ARE the default permission-settings on a newly arrived mail?
> Im thinking om reinstalling it all to make sure it is 'clean', any way to avoid that?
> Henrik Johansen

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