I really appreciate all the help and suggestions everyone has made here.
I finally got the smtp server working!!!!!! For the record and for the
mail archives in case anyone in the future has this problem.  It appears
that on BSDI 4.01, even if you comment out all references to sendmail in
the boot scripts it still somehow reserves that port.  I'm very new to
BSDI(but not unix in general), so I'm not certain as to how and why it
does this.  I solved the problem by moving /etc/sendmail*
/somewhere/else and rebooted, and it worked fine.

I did run ps ax | grep senmail and nothing showed up.  I spent about an
hour learning all the nifty options to netstat and tried running it with
several different switches, and it always showed it was listening on
port 25.

The really sad part to all this is, with all the tinkering and
experimenting I've done, I've somehow managed to bring down the pop3
daemon. ugggggggggg  Will it ever end??  I'm getting the following error
in my /var/log/qmail/qmail-pop3d log:

Aug 1 14:16:05 kong qmail: xxxxxxx.xxxx alert: oh no! lost spawn
connection! dying... 

Any suggestions??  My first thought was to drop it out the window, but I
think I'd get into a little hot water over that one.

Thank you,

> On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Robert wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  I recently install qmail on a BSDI 4.01 server, and I'm having a really
> > bad time trying to get it running.  I read the HOWTO located here
> > http://www.flounder.net/qmail/qmail-howto.html#10 I did everything as
> > explained, but I'm getting this error in /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd:
> >
> > xxxxxx.xxxxxxx tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already used
> are you sure sendmail isn't running?
> ps ax | fgrep sendmail
> RjL

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