Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 5 August 1999 at 08:49:54 +0300
 > I just noticed messages to non-existant hosts (due to typos or whatever)
 > don't get bounced, but instead stay stuck in the queue for the full
 > lifetime (1 week here). any REALLY good reaon for that?

A host that looks non-existent could have have its DNS missing or
down, or its link down.  Keeping it for a week gives them a chance to
get it back up. 

On the other hand, of course it means you don't discover you mistyped
the address for a week.

I think a week queue lifetime is simply too long, myself.  Haven't
changed it here yet, though.
David Dyer-Bennet         ***NOTE ADDRESS CHANGES***          [EMAIL PROTECTED] (photos) Minicon: (sf) Ouroboros Bookworms
Join the 20th century before it's too late!

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