I think this is a good one. Because we'll be generating the messages on
different machines than those that we send from, we have to find the most
efficient way to get them into the queue. That presents us with a variety of
options. Here are the few that we've come up with (some of these are good
options, some are down right horrible... this is just a list):

1. Have the generator write directly to the qmail SMTP server via sockets

2. Open a telnet/rsh/rexec to the machine and use qmail-inject

3. Modify the source to qmail-inject to work on NT and remotely (very little
work) and inject to the queue over a samba/nfs share

4. Send mail to the server via relay, using the Microsoft SMTP servers as
relay and writing to them as we are now (this seems kludgey because the
servers can only send 30 messages per second on the lan).

5. Telepathy?

If anyone has any other options, or just their recommendations on which is
fastest, that'd be great. The qmail queue is still a bit of a mystery to me,
so I'm not quite sure what the fastest way to get something queue'd is.

Cris Daniluk

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