Murat Arslan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a bunch of codes to handle a web-mail gateway service.
> Everything is ok, but the virtual domains, users and the IMAP parts..
> I added to /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts and
> to /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
> Sent signal HUP to qmail-send, and created .qmail-some-info in the
> home dir of user `guy'. The file .qmail-some-info has the
> following line:
> /home/somedir/maildir-info/
> This is to make qmail-local store the incoming mails to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the above directory.
> But it didn't work. When I send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I receive the No such mailbox error.
> My first question is where's my mistake ?
> Secondly, I need a password database for the virtual users
> in order to make the IMAP server do the authentication.
> I investigated this on the web and of course on the manuals,
> and found that this is possible w/ (correct me if i'm wrong)
> qmail-pw2u and qmail-newu. The question is; is it possible
> to make such a pw db for the virtual users, and also for
> the IMAP server ?
> I found a patch for IMAP4, by Matthias, but couldn't
> have time to test it. Do they work also for the above procedure ?
> I will be appreciated in any kind of help.
> Thanks for your time,
> --
> Regards,
> Murat Arslan

vchkpw supports all of this. a friendly person from the internet
has patched imap to work with vchkpw authentication. both are
available off

Ken Jones
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - web based qmail adminstration

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