Well, my mistake...  the .qmail file originally never had the "; fi" on the
end, and this apparently caused the problem (?)

A workmate added the fi on the end just before I looked at the file, and
forgot to mention it.  The queue has now sorted itself out properly as well.

Hurrah for qmail! =)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Gilliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, 16 August 1999 11:03
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (E-mail)
> Subject: Abnormal queue problem
> At least, I think it's abnormal.
> qmail-qstat tells me there are three messages in the queue
> for one user.
> These three messages are being delivered repeatedly to the
> same user (or at
> least it seems that way... she has multiple copies of each of
> the three
> emails in her Maildir, but they still remain in the queue).
> She is using a modified .qmail file (to use the vacation
> program) which has
> this in it:
> ./Mailbox/
> | if [ $RECIPIENT != "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ]; then
> /usr/bin/vacation
> sroberts; fi
> at the moment, she appears to have over 20 copies of each
> message, and I'm
> starting to get a little worried...
> Any ideas?
> Jim

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