On Tue, Aug 17, 1999 at 08:43:59PM +0200, Klaus Wissmann wrote:

You could deliver *all* mail using a delivery agent like maildrop, and
have it add that header to all messages. Just change your default
delivery like this:

qmail-start '|preline maildrop -f "$SENDER"' splogger qmail

And then have a maildrop filter doing something like:

-- start filter --
xfilter 'reformail -I"X-Envelope-To: $RECIPIENT"'
-- end filter --

> I have found some solutions to insert a X-Envelope-To: header in the list
> archives but all of them suggest doing something like this in the users
> home directory:
> echo '|(echo "X-Envelope-To: $EXT@$HOST";cat) | qmail-inject --
> "$USER-mailbox"' >.qmail
> echo './Mailbox' >.qmail-mailbox
> This solution isn't useable for us because most of our customers use some
> kind of IAS which depends on the X-Envelope-To: Header. Is there a solution
> which puts the X-Envelope-To: Header in all incoming mails?

See complete headers for more info

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