On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 11:39:05PM -0500, Mate Wierdl wrote:
: As I was searching for various patches at ftp sites, I got struck by
: how many different names patches get --- and how many different
: versions there are.  For example, there are 5 different versions of
: the big-todo patch, and as a test, I'd ask the maintainers if they
: know offhand under what name they are posted at their (or others') ftp
: site. 

Tell me about it...I'm trying to figure out just what I need to build Pine
4.1 and IMAP4 for Maildir use, and it ain't that easy to figure out.  Ok,
there's that Norwegian patch...I go to the FTP site, download the only
thing that looks like a patch for Pine 4.1 that isn't an RPM, apply it
cleanly, build pine...still no Maildir support...wait, I must need Adam's
patches for the c-client library as well...oops, no good, the directory
ANSI doesn't appear to exist under imap in the 4.1 source...

Is it me, or is this next to impossible for a non-programmer to figure

: Often happens that the name does not suggest uniquely what package the
: patch is supposed to patch (like `rbl.patch' could conceivably patch
: at least three packages).

It took me a few private emails to some helpful and clueful people to
figure out you don't need the damn patches for qmail-1.03, you just
download rblsmtpd...it would be nice if the website was updated

sorry for the rant, but I like to think of myself as pretty resourceful,
but that's not proving enough here...

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