We were going through the same process about a week ago.  IMP is great,
and the features that are in the prerelease-3 are excellent (with PHPLIB
support, and future persistant IMAP connections) Only problem is that IMP
is a damn resource hog, and probaly wont scale well above about 200 users
(at once), at least on our server. SQWebMail is much
nicer in that respect, but sqwebmail is
lacking many features -- unless you take the dev time on your own.
Currently there is an imapd (WA) that has been hacked to work with vchkpw,
and is on the vchkpw page.  As soon as the new vchkpw is released with
MySQL support, adding new users will be a breeze.
There are a few commerical webmail packages that are also very nice, but
just not free, but not to pricey either (20cents/user).


On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Martin Paulucci wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> Here I am deciding which webmail I'm going to use, because of
> functionality that I have seen, the IMP seems better, but I just read
> that there's no way to use it with vchkpw or something simillar. Also, I
> need to implement some kind of page that the user could fill and get
> himself an email account for free. Which is the way I could do that with
> any of those 2 programs I don't know and I can't find it anywhere!. 
> Could somebody tell me where to find more info?. Or other webmail....:)
> Thanks!!!

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