"Stephen C. Comoletti" wrote:
> Can anyone provide the correct syntax for bouncing messages from a
> .qmail while using vchkpw? Right now, due to customers leaving, signing
> up for lists incorrectly, etc, we get a large amount of undeliverable
> email which gets dumped in postmaster. I'd rather it bounce back to the
> sender. I've tried the following, which worked on a domain I use for
> testing, but not on my primary domain.
> | fastforward -p -d /etc/aliases.cdb;
> | /export/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' warn "Sorry, no mailbox here by
> that name. (#5.1.1)\n";
> exit 100;
> Like I said above, it worked fine for one domain, but not another. They
> were set up identical. On the failed domain, the result was 2 bounce
> messages for any message sent to a valid address, each failed bounce
> consisting of the warn message split up, as if it tried to interpret the
> warn as an address instead of a command. However, the message did get
> delivered correctly. The sender just got 2 fails regardless. Anyhow, any
> tips would be appreciated.
> --
> Stephen Comoletti
> Systems Administrator
> Delanet, Inc.  http://www.delanet.com
> ph: (302) 326-5800 fax: (302) 326-5802

>From vpopmail FAQ file:

3. How do I bounce all mail that doesn't match any pop users or .qmail
   files for a particular domain?

   Edit the ~vpopmail/domains/virtual_domain/.qmail-default file and
   change the last parameter to "bounce-no-mailbox" without the quotes.

For example:

[root@orbital testing.com]# pwd

[root@orbital testing.com]# more .qmail-default
| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail ''

change to:

| /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

Ken Jones
http://www.inter7.com/qmailadmin/ - web based qmail adminstration

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