On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Jukka Zitting wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here's a bunch of specific questions for which I'd like to have answers.
> 1) Should the maildir format be extended to support subfolders?
> The official documentation only mentions the three subdirectories and a
> couple of meta files in a maildir folder. Perhaps it's not a good idea
> to add subfolders in the maildir format?

I think the should not, because it won't be compatible with pine's maildir
functions. (patched version)
> 2) If subfolders shouldn't be used, then how should I handle multiple
> maildirs?
> A user might want to store mail in multiple different maildir folders.
> Is there a  standard place where such folders should be located? I've
> seem people use ~/Mail, ~/IMAP, ~/Maildirs and other places to store
> multiple maildir folders in addition to the default $MAILDIR.

pine with maildir patch handles maildirs the same as other mail folders,
so they are under ~/mail

> 3) If subfolders are used, then how they should be formatted?
> It seems to me that subfolders should be fullblown maildir folders in
> themselves and not just extra "cur" directories with different names. If
> the subfolders are true maildirs then mail can be directly delivered to
> them.
fullblown maildirs with delivery capability.

> 5) How should message contents be changed in a maildir?
> When a MUA want's to add a header or otherwise modify the message,
> should it assign a new name to the message file? It's generally a bad
> idea to rewrite received messages and Camel probably wont do that, but
> I'd like to know about other implementations. If the filename of the
> message is changed whenever the message is modified, then caching will
> be much easier as a single stat on the "cur" directory will be enough to
> determine whether folder contents have changed.

look at the maildir doc at Dan's homepage about info part of the name in
cur directory.

Robert Varga

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