James wrote:
> Are there any other concerns I need to worry about once qmail is
> installed?  I'm working on getting QmailAdmin
> (http://www.inter7.com/qmailadmin/) to work, will this take care of most
> of my setting up new users, etc.?  

It works in a limited sense. And you should understand the limitations
qmailadmin has before you try to run a production system. It works
only with virtual domains created under the vpopmail package. 

It does have limited support for setting:
1) default maildir
2) single uid/gid
3) single forward or alias
4) autoresponder
5) basic ezmlm

> Otherwise, will I have to create a
> "Mailbox" file in each user's account each time I create a new user?

You question and suggested solution hint that you do not yet understand
how to set up qmail. Please read more of the documentation.

If you wish to have on line conversations with qmail people join
irc efnet #qmail channel. If you do not know what this means you
should read about irc. Linux users can use xchat. (sorry, newbie rant)

> What about system-wide mail handling.. for example, I can't seem to get
> "logcheck" to work now, whereas I was able to get mail from it before when
> I was using sendmail.  Thanks for any help.

If you want any real problem solving help you need to specify more than
"I can't get logcheck to work".

Always say your operating system, version. qmail version, and versions
of all the software that is in question. blah blah.

Hang in there. Learning is fun :)


> james

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