Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> at 150K users, the loads on my server aren't impressive, I'm guessing
> Israeli users surf and chat more than write Emails, possibly because of
> the software limitations (very few Right-to-left clients available, fewer
> agree on the encoding of the characters)

> My bosses are quite happy with an outgoing Qmail server, so now I want to
> make all other functions work on Qmail (local delivery, virtual domains,
> pop, ETRN users moving to AUTORUN etc.)

> right now an ugly 8 meg password file with a 6 meg shadow sidekick are
> pushed around the servers with scp. I'm going to move delivery and RADIUS
> auth all to RDBMs... (anyone done this? It's really hard to find useful
> info about this online... should I patch them all to lookup CDB files, or
> lookup an SQL server maybe?)

> the main question I'd like to pose to people, because getting sun machines
> just for tests is too expensive an option here, has anyone compared the
> speed advantage or loss when moving between the following setups:

> 1. current: sendmail delivers to a local in-house agent written in C (15k
> tool) that tests for a vacation flag for a user, then delivers to a two
> level hashed spool directory (/var/spool/mail/u/s/username) mounted from a
> net appliance box after checking mail quota limits (not standard fs
> quota). a second machine servers pop with qpopper.

> 2. wanted: qmail uses qmail-users or an external lookup (of CDB or some
> SQL?) to deliver to a a single-UID hash of maildirs if within quota, while
> checking for a vacation flag and executing if necessary. POP is served
> from another machine using qmail-pop3d. no dialup users have a UID or an
> entry in the /etc/passwd (YEAH!!!)

> is qmail-pop3d up to such volumes? is the 2-order growth in number of
> directories and files on the fileserver a speed damper? should I let qmail
> deliver to the existing hash and keep Qualcomm's popper poppin'?

> all sugestions and experianced tips are welcome, on-list or off it. TIA!

> Ira.

> (Oh yeah, and Russel, if you have a ready-made solution you can offer for
> a fee, send me an offer!)

Your (2) wanted isn't that difficult to do.  We have a MySQL DB holding
account details of all users and our mailhub uses the ~alias/.qmail-default
to deliver all mail to a custom built program which then
a) Checks to see if the hash directory exists /u/
   and if so delivers to the Maildir in that directory  (mail would
   have been sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
b) If not, then it performs a Mysql lookup to see if the account exists
   and isn't disabled or locked. If ok then makes the directory and performs
   as a) above.
c) If a and b fail then bounces the message with No such user.

checkpoppasswd currectly is custom written to check the same DB (but for speed
I'm going to change it so that cron produces a cdb of the password file).

Both smtp and pop3 run on the same box and we've 7,500 users now (not one of
them involved any human intervention in setting up the account or management
of the mailhub).

As regards, speed advantage.  On the delivery, you should be able to use
a slightly modified version of your existing C delivery program.  As such
you won't see any great speed difference, other than less memory usage
overall.  On the Pop3 your checkpasswd is going to be your potential slow
problem (which is why I need to get away from direct DB querying).

Paul Gregg
Email pgregg at    T: +44 (0)  1232 424190  |  CLUB24  INTERNET  | 
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