On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 10:19:07AM -0400, John K. Chester wrote:
> I am running qmail-1.03, and have just applied the AOL patch which I
> obtained from qmail.org (file qmail-103.patch).  I note that ucspi-tcp
> has its own copy of dns.c (content identical to dns.c supplied with
> qmail-1.03).  Should the patch also be applied to ucspi-tcp?  I can't
> find any mention of this in the documentation.

Since tcpclient and tcpserver only do A and PTR lookups, the chance of a
DNS reply >512 bytes is much smaller than with qmail, which does MX

But I think it should be possible, yes. It's not a bad idea anyway :)

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,      |                              Peter van Dijk |
     I broke his neck'     |                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognikz - As the sun    |        Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/#linux.nl |
http://www.nognikz.mdk.nu/ | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

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