First, my apologies for the length of the following. I've RTFM but,
frankly, the qmail stuff is mostly good tech info but a little short on
"cookbook" stuff. This is my first email system. I need cookbook.

I've got qmail installed and (sort of) running on a Caldera 2.2 (col
2.2.5) system. Hostname is Internal ip is; also a web ip to the router but with no DNS entry on our
ISP's DNS yet.

So far just command-line starts using the following command lines:

Local delivery (from the HOWTO):
csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

SMTP (from the qmail docs):
tcpserver -u 535 -g 700 25 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
(wouldn't run with the hostname as I've not put the hostname in
/etc/hosts yet)

(This version *didn't* work (from the HOWTO; mod'ed for the new
supervise /var/lock/qmail-smtpd tcpserver -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 535
-g 700 \
rblsmtpd qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | setuidgid qmaill tai64n | setuidgid qmaill \

multilog -s5000000 -n5 /var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd &

POP3 (from the qmail docs):
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
(this did run with the hostname after config with config-fast)

Questions - starting:
1) Does the SMTP daemon need the hostname (as opposed to an ip address)
to work?
2) If it needs a hostname, can that hostname be in our /etc/hosts *only*
or must our ISP's DNS contain an entry for it (we use the ISP's DNS)?
3) I want a *simple* system. Can I use the simple SMTP command line
above to run SMTP or do I need the longer one used in the HOWTO
(including rblsmtp, setuidgid, tai64n et al)?
3a) If I need the longer SMTP command line in my startup scripts, what
do I need to do to fix it? I suspect the problem is with "supervise"
which in the current version does *not* take a program name as an
argument, therefore will likely choke on the syntax above. But oddly,
there is no error message.
4) Ditto re: POP3 - is the simple command line above enough to run it?
5) With SMTP and POP3 running (verified by telnet to ports 25 and 110) I
do a ps -e | grep 'qmail' but only see the four basic qmail processes
(ie. no smtp or pop3). Why? Shouldn't the daemons show up in a ps?

Questions - Delivery

1) I've got a couple of testbed Win9x PCs on our lan running Eudora. On
one, I use Eudora to send an email from userfoo to userbar (both have
valid accounts on our qmail server, set up to use Maildir). The sending
system appears to send properly (and checks for userfoo's new mail
properly). The receiving system accepts userbar's password and goes
through the motions of checking mail but there is no mail from userfoo.
There is nothing in either user's Maildir directory in *any* of the
subdirs. Why didn't qmail deliver the message?

Thanks for this,
Barry Dwyer

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