I don't know if the sites you mentioned use qmail for incoming mail or not. Anyway,
qmail handles messages with bare lfs correctly. Besides, this may not be the problem.
Once again I'd suggest you ask the postmaster from this site to check their SMTP log
and see if that gives any indication.


seiheng wrote:

> But, If remember correctly, yahoo.com and netscape.net both using Qmail, both
> site able to receive the mail send from this MS SMTP server.
> If other MTAs allow 'bare lf' why did Qmail disallow it? Is there a patch where I
> could just make Qmail behave as other MTAs?
> Thanks,
> Sei Heng
> Simon Rae wrote:
> > I've had the same problem receiving mail from a Microsoft SMTP server. I think
> > it's down to the 'bare lf' problem although I may well be wrong. Sendmail and
> > other MTAs accept these but qmail bounces them.
> >
> > Ask this remote site to check their SMTP log for clues.
> >
> > Si
> >
> > seiheng wrote:
> >
> > > There is this remote mail server that can send email to one of my server
> > > running Sendmail, but it just can't send email to servers running Qmail (I
> > > tested 3 server running Qmail, all of them cannot received email from that
> > > remote server).
> > >
> > > I have been running Qmail for most of may mail server. They all run just
> > > fine, until I encounter this server.
> > >
> > > I use that mail server to send email to yahoo, asiamail, netscape, they all
> > > works. But it just can't reach my mail servers.
> > >
> > > I also tried sending email from other free email server, all could reach my
> > > server.
> > >
> > > Now, this may sound a bit confusing. But I am totolly run out of ideas.
> > >
> > > That remote server is running  'Microsoft SMTP MAIL' when  I do a "telnet
> > > <host> 25".
> > >
> > > I'm running:
> > >
> > > Qmail version: 1.03
> > > OS: Linux Slackware 4.0
> > >
> > > Sei Heng
> > > ps: There is no entry in my servers mail logs

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