* Vladimir Berezniker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [20 Sep 1999 21:59]:

> Hi,
>     First of all I am a newbie to the *nix.  I use supervise from deamon tools 0.61. 
>To run the following run file:
> *********************************

Go back and read the html man pages for daemontools 0.61 again.
In order to get logging and control to work one
has to put the script for the logging portion  (the stuff after
the pipeline (|) symbol) in the log subdirectory
of the directory that contains the run script for the
qmail-start command and then use svscan to connect
the two:

For example:

        /services/qmail/run     <-- contains the commands to start qmail
        /services/qmail/log/run <-- contains multilog et. al.

with svscan being started (in the background) from the /services

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