"Mark Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Well, dad, I hate it when your right!  You sound like a man who has much

I've got three children, I worked the help desk at the computer center
while I was in college, and I've been a tech support engineer for ten
years, so I'm either very patient or brain dead. :-)

>>Hmm, that "502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)" message came from qmail-smtpd
>>when you entered and unrecognized command. So your SMTP service was
>>working fine.
>----))) I thought it was going to tell me "helo dude"!

No, that's what you're supposed to say to it.

>>I used the INSTALL directions, but, then, I'm an experienced system
>-----)))) Ouch!, Well, the INSTALL document looked alot different after
>-----)))) through your LWQ. I felt like I could give it a run for the money.

I wasn't trying to denigrate your newbieness. Back when I started
doing qmail, there was no choice: the INSTALL document was *it*. qmail
was a place where newbies feared to tread. Now there are various
RPM's, HOWTO's, web sites, and LWQ, and qmail is a kind of newbie
"attractive nuisance". Some of us old timers are scrambling around
with files trying to soften the corners, but there's still a sharp
spot or two.

>>You say you need to compile your own instructions/fixes to get it to
>>work. I'd be happy to work with you to incorporate any changes
>>necessary into LWQ.
>-----))))  Thanks, I'll be happy to add comments that I would feel would
>make LWQ -----))))  more newbie proof.
>-----)))) I'll take another shot at it in a nite or two, Until then, stay
>tuned for -----)))) part deux..  I think I'll have a beer!

I already know I need to improve the coverage of startup files for
Slackware and *BSD. Comments and suggestions for other improvements
are eagerly solicited.


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