
>I'm attempting to use the Maildir mailbox.
>I have user/Maildir (permissions 775) and user/.qmail (permissions 664).
What directories do you have exactly?
~mls/Maildir or user/Maildir ?
Did you create the Maildir with qmail/bin/maildirmake ?
And as far as i know your permissions must be 700 for your Maildir and
should be 644 for .qmail.
And the Maildir must be located in the homedir of the Mailrecipient And he
must be the owner of the Maildir. Besides that: root can never recieve mail.
But that's all RTFM but in my opinion not very clear in the manuals.
>I have changed /var/qmail/rc to indicate "./Maildir/" instead of
>. The file .qmail contains "./Maildir".
try "./Maildir/"
>Any suggestions as to what I've likely done wrong and/or should check out?

Good luck,

Cyril Bitterich

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