Hello, I have a linux server with qmail, I have installed the
vpopmail package ( version 3.4.9) and
I have find the following problem:

    -Imagine I configure the quota for a pop user to 10Mbytes (10240000
bytes) in the vpasswd file, and the size of the Maildir directory for
this user is 1Mbyte .
    -I send a mail to this user with a size of 30Mbytes.
    - Vdelivermail will enter the user Maildir and add up the sizes of
all the files in this directory,
but the total size in this moment is 1Mbytes so the message will be
deliver because the Maildir size
is smaller than 10Mbytes.
    -Now, the size of the Maildir directory for that user is 31Mbytes,
but his quota is 10Mbytes!!!

.....imagine if I send a mail of 1Gbyte instead one of 30Mbytes......

The problem is that vdelivermail compares:

    the size of the Maildir directory  < HARD_QUOTA limit

instead of:

the size of the Maildir directory + the size of the message to
deliver < HARD_QUOTA limit

Has anybody this problem?? How It can be fixed??

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