Hi all:

        I've just installed Bruce Guenter's system to allow mail relaying after
checking mail (http://em.ca/~bruceg/relay-ctrl/), and it doesn't work.
Basically, what happens is:

        1) The "relay-ctrl" file, that the program uses to cache the IPs of the
people who have checked their mail, doesn't get updated.
        2) The instructions tell me to put an invocation to "relay-ctrl-age",
the program that has to update said file, in the crontab and run it
every 5 minutes. I put it, and after half an hour or so, I see several
zombie "relay-ctrl-age" processes with ps -auxw. Looking at the date of
the tcpserver CDB file, though, I see that it *does* get updated by
relay-ctrl-age. (And what does relay-ctrl-age write to it? Just the four
or five IP ranges that I have currently listed to allow relaying, but
not the IP from which I check mail, which is what it was supposed to
        3) I can check my mail without any problem.

        I start my POP service with:

tcpserver 0 pop3 /usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-popup mail.ddnet.es
/bin/checkpassword \
/usr/local/bin/logpop /usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d ./Maildir &

        ("logpop" is a shell script that I have to log POP connections to
syslog (yes, I know, I know, I still use syslog. That server needs a
major upgrade anyway...)).

        Anything else...? Oh yes: qmail 1.03, Slackware Linux 3.5 with several
packages upgraded... Tell me if you need to know anything else.

                                                Thanks in advance,

                                                        Paulo Jan.

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