I am using the startup script from David Sill's LWQ document.
When I execute this script, I get the following:

root@caesar:/etc/rc.d# ./rc.qmail start
Starting qmail: qmail-send qmail-smtpdsupervise: usage: supervise dir

Can someone please tell me, how to get the "supervise" to work?
I did substitute the new names for the programs such as setuser, cyclog etc.
Nothing else was changed.

Qmail starts for the following command,
 csf -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

When I use David Sill's script, it does not work. Has anyone else got the David's
script to work?

One other question, how do I make my email clients to read from the Maildir?
I use ELM and MUTT. I would like to be able to read these messages. I do see
them in the Maildir/new directory.

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao
Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself.


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