On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Timothy L. Mayo wrote:

> What was your memory usage?  What was your disk i/o like?  Bandwidth to
> the net?  Could be any number of things.
> Anything in your regular system logs during that time that might provide a
> clue?

I was not thrashing. I beleive I had 400M of free memory. I am not sure 
about the disk i/o. bandwidth to the net was plentiful. My queue is on a 
local disk but the actual user mail boxes are on a NFS drive. 

Nothing extraordinary in the logs. 
> On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, B. Engineer wrote:
> > Hello:
> >     Yesterday was the first time I got to test my qmail system with 
> > the big to-do patch applied. 
> > 
> > Problem:
> > Some $%^* hijacked a T1 line somewhere and started spamming using a 
> > return address that points to my system. The sheer number of bounces 
> > generated, slows legitimate mail down on my system by 6 hrs.
> > 
> > I had applied the big to-do patch in hopes of fixing that. My local 
> > concurrency is set to 40 and remote to 120. I had 4000 messages in my 
> > mail queue but qmail was not delivering mail for about 3 hrs. I had about 
> > 45 qmail-queue processes. The machine had plenty of juice, the load av. 
> > never shot up over 1.5-2.0. 
> > Local/Remote concurrency never shot up, logs showed a max of 
> > 2/40 and 6/120. 
> > 
> > Can anyone explain this? I want qmail to chew/hog the cpu and deliver the 
> > mail. What am I forgetting to tune??
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Burzin
> > 
> > 
> ---------------------------------
> Timothy L. Mayo                               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Senior Systems Administrator
> localconnect(sm)
> http://www.localconnect.net/
> The National Business Network Inc.    http://www.nb.net/
> One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
> Monroeville, PA  15146
> (412) 810-8888 Phone
> (412) 810-8886 Fax

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