On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, [ISO-8859-1] Jon Lurås wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a problem, here is what my qmail log says:
> >939620707.238895 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
> >939620710.595702 delivery 1: success: qmail->
> >     inject:_fatal:_read_error/did_1+0+1/
> >939620710.620806 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
> The first time I got this error was with the Vacation program from
> Peter Samuel. The Vacation program uses Datemail. When I
> removed Vacation from the .qmail file and used Datemail directly I
> still got the error. I have tried with Forward in the .qmail and this
> works okay.
> I am quite sure that this problem has something to do with
> permissions. I have look at all the permissions in the /var/qmail/bin
> and in the /home/user/Maildir/ with no success so far.
> The system is a Redhat 6.0 and I used the
> qmail-1.03-14ucspi.src.rpm for installation.

Just to expand on Jon's problem (we've gone through quite a bit of
offline debugging outside the list). The problem occurs whenever qmail
runs a program from a .qmail file that calls datemail. eg

    | vacation jon


    | /var/qmail/bin/datemail -t < /home/jon/msg

Both of these fail.

Jon, three more things you might try:

    1) Double check the permissions on /var/qmail/control/*. ALl the
    files in that directory MUST be readable by everyone. If
    qmail-inject cannot open /var/qamil/control/me (for example) it
    will die. When you did your manual test of datemail what user were
    you? If you were root it would have worked, if you were some other
    user and it failed, then that could be your problem.

    2) modify vacation so that it uses qmail-inject (modify the
    Makefile and run make install)

    3) recompile datemail

Peter Samuel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Consultant                        or at present:
eServ. Pty Ltd                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +61 2 9206 3410                      Fax: +61 2 9281 1301

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"

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