Hi all,

The other day we came across an interesting scenario with our Qmail Server

The Server has been running smoothly for a month now. It operates purely as
a mail gateway and forwarder to a couple of domains, with no local mail or
POP3 mail.  I am using TCPserver with the SMTP daemon.

During the course of the day we found our link to be very slow, and upon
investigation found that the Qmail server had spawned approximately 20 smtpd
processes all delivering mail to the same recipient. This appeared to be
flooding our link.

I looked into the mail log and found that 100 attempts to this recipient had
already been attempted, however none had been successful. Simply Starting
and stopping the Qmail and smtpd process did not work, as once these
processes were restarted the link utilisation went straight back to 100%. 

I knew the recipients address so I went and found the file containing this
address in the /<Qmail root>/queue/remote directory and removed it from this

This appeared to resolve the issue as I was then able to restart the Qmail
and smtpd processes without flooding our link.

When I viewed the file I moved from the  /<Qmail root>/queue/remote
directory it simply had a single line with the recipients address, no
strange or repeated characters.

After having done this I located the sender of the email and requested they
resend the email while I monitored the system. This time the email passed
through without a problem.

Has anyone come across this sort of behaviour previously, or does anyone
know of any reason or protection from this happening again.

Are there other areas I should be looking at when troubleshooting this sort
of thing??

Out of interest the originating server of the email was and M$ Exchange 5.5
with MailSweeper installed on the SMTP interface.


Mark P

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