John K. Chester writes:

> works fine except for one server which has great trouble sending mail to my 
> server.   It's running NTMail under Windows NT 4.0.  On my end, I see a log 
> entry in /var/log/qmail-smtpd/, but no entry in /var/log/qmail/.  On the 
> sending end, I see that the connection attempt was terminated by a Winsock 
> error.
> Oh.... The spooky thing?  30 seconds after this email appeared in my inbox, 
> an email which the problem server has been trying to send me since 20:00 
> GMT yesterday appeared.  Many of the emails it tries to send me do 
> eventually appear, usually some time the following day.

Check the DNS and the ident port on the IP address this is coming from. 
It's possible that the DNS is cocked up and the ident query stalls long
enough for NT to toss its cookies most of the time, and requeue the message
for another delivery attempt.  But, once in a blue moon, the beast might
get distracted by something else, and by the time it finishes, you've timed
out and sent the banner.


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