I posted a message yesterday but haven't heard anything back.

Our news server feeds posts to mailing list (qmail / ezmlml).  Here is
an error received from qmail:

20 13:25:02: Opening /var/spool/dnews/work/netdynamicslists.send
20 13:25:02: Sending this to
20 13:25:02: Sending this to
20 13:25:03: Sending this to
20 13:25:03: Wrapping long line 304
20 13:25:03: Wrapping long line 202
20 13:25:03: Wrapping long line 15288
20 13:45:04: DATA body: Expecting 250, got 451 timeout (#4.4.2)

20 13:45:04: Reque 0 {<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
20 13:45:04: (Broken pipe) nntp: Socket closed, errno=32 noipname
20 13:45:04: (Broken pipe) nntp_perror: socket_read failed
20 13:45:04: nntp: Closing socket chan[1] 4 noipname
20 13:45:04: Thats odd, channel closed from 0 to -1
20 13:45:04: Done xmit
20 13:45:04: 8 read, 2 sent, 1 rejected, 0.00166113 per second
20 13:45:08: Waiting for next xmit time {*5 *}
20 13:45:13: Local site {forums.netdynamics.com}
20 13:45:13: nntp: Doing forward DNS lookup
20 13:45:13: nntp: forward DNS completed
20 13:45:13: Destination  site {forums.netdynamics.com:25}
20 13:45:13: here_hello recieved
20 13:45:13: Flush successful 280 Site flushed

now according to some earlier posting:
A quick grep of qmail-smtpd.c shows that a 451 can only be generated due

to an internal problem with qmail-queue or a resource limit is exceeded.


I have stopped qmail-send last night.  Only qmail-smtpd, qmail-queue and
qmail-inject are running.  The same messages (repeated over and over)
are piling up in queue/mess/.  If this was an internal qmail-queue
problem what could be the fix? Any troubleshooting ideas?  We are
running inetd.  We have had this configuration work successfully for
around a year, no changes were done recently...

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