Chris Garrigues writes:
 > * Spambait addresses: when mail is sent to a bait address its
 >   sources are blacklisted.

I have bunches of spambait addresses.  Let's use them to combat spam.
How's this for a plan:

  o We make some software for qmail users which extracts the
    connecting IP address from spam sent to spambait.  I have
    something like this already.
  o It sets the Subject: to the IP address, and emails the spam
    to a mailing list (which I'd be happy to host).
  o We make some software which gets subscribed to that mailing list.
    It takes the IP address from the Subject:, and stuffs it into your 
    /etc/spammers.txt file like this:
        IP.AD.DR.ESS:allow,RBLSMTPD=-Your host is spamming.
    That file, plus your usual /etc/smtp.txt, are combined to create
    smtp.cdb whenever new spamming hosts are added.  From time to time 
    the oldest addresses are removed.

Is this of interest to anyone?  Is anyone doing it already?  It's not
a qmail-specific thing, although the code for the sender and receiver
would be.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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