On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all:
> Has anyone performanced a webmail powered by qmail?
> Now I want to programme a webmail system with qmail,
> which supports virtuldoamins.
> anyone have some ready-mode examples for me?
> or give some advice about the interface of web to Maildir.
> thanks

        Kai, there is already a Open Source project in course to build an
web-based mail system (that is totally independent from qmail).
        Maybe you'll find something useful there. 
        Try http://www.horde.org/ 
        You're searching for a program called "IMP".
        Good Luck.

                                                    Luis Campos de Carvalho
               System Administrator at ECB -- Escola Paulista de Medicina

                           -- Collected from the Slashdot discussion list.

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