Hello all.  I have been trying to get qmail to work with little success.  I 
have probably made some mistakes.  Let me start off with the, IMO, worst: I 
removed /var/log/maillog thinking that it was writen by qmail and that 
qmail would recreate it.  Wrong, maillog is writen by syslog.  So, I give 
syslog a HUP and maillog returns but ever since then the log is empty and I 
don't know why.  The original problem I had was something like 'can not 
opendir todo' in the maillog as well as '940965762.308214 delivery 345: 
deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/' any time I try to mail a 
local message using 'echo to: me | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject'.  I thought 
this would be a permissions problem but I went back through the install 
instructions in LWQ and everything is owned by who it should be owned by.  
Likewise all the processes are owned correctly.  I am at a bit of a loss.  
Any suggestions?


OS - Linux RH6.0.
qmail was installed using tarballs and LWQ.

Peter Abplanalp

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