1] Look at how you start qmail, there's a problem.

2] See the other response.

Robbie Walker

At 01:38 AM 11/2/99 , you wrote:
>I'm having a problem with my newly installed qmail, and I hope someone
>can help me. I'm a bit of a newbie, so I'm not sure what info you'll
>need - I'll just include it all, and hope you find what you need below :)
>First some background. My username is david, and my host is
>My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] My ~/.qmail contains the string
>and qmail is run with the following rc file:
>       exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>       qmail-start ./Mailbox/ splogger qmail
>I can send mail local-to-local and local-to-remote, but cannot receive mail
>sent locally or remotely. Specifically, the doc/TEST.deliver tests work fine,
>but doc/TEST.receive test #1 fails as shown below.
>       [david@a3a88198 david]$ telnet 25
>       Trying
>       Connected to
>       Escape character is '^]'.
>       220 a3a88198.bconnected.net ESMTP
>       helo dude
>       250 a3a88198.bconnected.net
>       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       250 ok
>       rcpt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       250 ok
>       data
>       354 go ahead
>       Subject: blah
>       blah
>       .
>       250 ok 941519761 qp 4767
>produces the following:
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.504736 new msg 223317
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.504898 info msg 223317: bytes 198
>from <> qp 4767 uid 503
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.683230 starting delivery 3: msg
>223317 to local @a3a88198.bconnected.net
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.683379 status: local 1/10 remote
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.684374 delivery 3: success: 
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.684471 status: local 0/10 remote
>       Nov  1 21:16:01 a3a88198 qmail: 941519761.684541 end msg 223317
>Note line 3 - to local @a3a88198.bconnected.net. That's weird - there's no
>in front of the @. So I tried adding an alias file, called .qmail-silenus, 
>containing the string "david" - I hoped that qmail would route incoming
mail to
>silenus to user david. Unfortunately, this didn't work.
>Next I tried adding a users/assign file, written thusly:
>       =futility:david:500:500:/home/david:::
>       .
>This also didn't work. Next, I tried the TEST.receive test #1, but replaced 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following strings:
>       silenus@localhost
>       david@localhost
>Each of these attempts produced the exact same log report.
>I can't think of anything else I can do. As far as I know, the alias dotfile 
>should have worked - I don't know why it failed, and I don't know what to do
>Apologies for the long post. I hope someone can help me.
>"But why Hell for me?" he asked. "And why for all? Was it not to keep it
>only for a few that Christ redeemed us?"
>Father Casper laughed like the God of the damned. "Why, when did He redeem
>you? On what planet, in what universe do you think you are living now?" 
>                            - Umberto Eco, The Island of the Day Before

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