On Thu, Nov 04, 1999 at 12:55:53PM +0100, Thomas Foerster wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> i have 2 questions :
> 1.) assume this as 2 virtual domains : 
>       rehalink.de
>       timecraft.de
>     When Mail arrives for [EMAIL PROTECTED], the mail should be stored
> AND forwarded
>     to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Both domains are on the same server.
>     When i put " &[EMAIL PROTECTED] " into ~rehalink/.qmail-default,
> qmail stops
>     with "already has my delivered-to line". This is ok, i know, but how
> can i solve
>     my problem ?

Take out the domains from your locals-file, since it seems like you have put
one or two domains both in locals and in virtualdomains. 

And if both are local, then the admin user of the "two domains" is actually
the same user and therefore the mail has already been delivered to the final
destination when it tries to do a forward.

> 2.) virtualhost ha-schra.de
>     when mail arrives for *@ha-schra.de, qmail should send this mail
> "as-it-is" to
>     a specified mail-server. 
>     How is this done  ?

What does "as-it-is" mean? 

Are you primary or secondaty mail sever for "ha-schra.de"? If you just are
secondary, you just have to put "ha-schra.de" into rcpthosts. 

Otherwise the following might help:
(repeating from a former mail)

The forward-all-to-another-domain-alternative
This is when you want to forward <anything>@nowhere.mil to
<anything>@elsewhere.co.za, i.e. when every forward goes to 
the same "otherhost".

Put "nowhere.mil:alias-nowhere" into virtualdomains.

Then put this line into ~alias/.qmail-nowhere-default

| forward ${DEFAULT}@elsewhere.co.za

Now will all mail be forwarded to the domain elsewhere.co.za.
Every username will however be intact. 
If you want to override this for just some user, then create an own
.qmail-file for just that alias, e.g. .qmail-nowhere-support, and put
your own forward in there.


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