On Fri, Nov 05, 1999 at 10:47:54AM +1300, Jason Haar wrote:
> I'm currently playing around with writing a qmail-based virus scanner that
> replaces qmail-queue - that'll lead to the best performance possible without
> dicking with qmail's code I think...

Hmmm - I've been getting Email about this...

When I said "qmail-based virus scanner" - I meant "qmail-based virus scanner
wrapper" for some product like NAI's uvscan - available for

i.e a qmail wrapper that receives Email, unpacks it and runs SOMEONE ELSE'S
SCANNER on it - just like AMAVIS does.

Writing a virus scanner is a different kettle of fish altogether...


Jason Haar

Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 3391 377 Fax: +64 3 3391 417

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