On Sun, 7 Nov 1999, Bruce Guenter wrote:

> Hard, but not impossible.  How would you envision such hooks?
> Certainly, I am not going to add support to nullmailer to actually do
> the delivery, but giving it a way to call an external program that could
> is a reasonable option.

How about a simplified scheme: All mail with recipient host matching the
local host is passed to an external program for delivery. The external
program takes arguments as qmail-local (which is what I'd use). This
should be of general use for nullmailer users, since it takes care of the
needs of a small "dumb" mailhost.

Default should still be to forward everything.


1. message queued.
2a. if -l: compare host name of envelope recipients. If same as local host
name, deliver locally with qmail-local.
2b. deliver multi-recipient message remotely (concurrent with 2a). If -l:
remove all recipients with host part matching the local host (me).
3. Generate one bounce message per local recipient. Generate pre-VERP
bounce if one of more remote recipients are not accepted.

-l controls local delivery.

envelope recipients without host/domain are extended with
defautlhost/domain before comparison. Thus, they will be delivered locally
only if defautlhost/domain match the local host name.

No DNS needed. Would work also for e.g. a local office host.

-Sincerely, Fred

Fred Lindberg, Inf. Dis., WashU, St. Louis, MO, USA

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