Hi, after reading the Majordomo+Qmail FAQ, and trying tons of things out I
still can't figure this out:

We're running Qmail 1.03, and Majordomo 1.94.4 together on a RedHat 5.2
machine (qmail and majordomo are both source packages, not RPM's)

Anyway, the problem seems to be with the "majordomo" alias and qmail.  All
my test lists I've setup seem to work just fine, mail sent to a list gets
resent out to all the list users/owner, and put into digest form.  The
problem I have is I can't send ANY requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the
requests get there, but they're simply put in the majordomo user's
mailbox, not reset back out to me!  

So if I send a HELP message to majordomo, I don't get the help page
emailed back to me, the message just gets put into the Mailbox of the
majordomo user.

I've made three aliases for the majordomo user:


In .qmail-majordomo I have:
|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo

The other two have my email address in them.  So for some reason the
wrapper majordomo part doesn't seem to be working.  There's no error
message in any log (majordomo or qmail) and nothing gets returned
undeliverable, it just doesn't work!  All this I copied right from the
instructions, and I'm using the new mjinject script with Majordomo.
Anyone have any ideas where to go from here?


Matt Stevenson 

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