On Wed, Nov 10, 1999 at 01:40:57PM +0800, Edward Castillo-Jakosalem wrote:
> I've been constantly monitoring our log files and have been noticing
> lately that there are too many deliveries dying (says
> connected...but_connection_died). I'm presently running qmail-send with
> 100 concurrent remote deliveries.

Is it always the same hosts(s)?
We are pretty good connected and I always see some of them in the
logfiles. If I test the host with "telnet host smtp" it is often
that I get a connection, it takes 10-15 seconds and thre remote host
hangs the connection without greeting. This looks like a confused
mail server on the other side.

> How come the mail which was queued up since yesterday is still not sent
> when I sent a mail to the same address just now and was sent
> immediatley?

qmail uses a quadratic backoff algorithm. This is applied on a per
message basis, not per host basis. The "fresh" message has gone through
without any problems and the queued message is rescheduled and probably
due within 1 hour or so.
Dave Sill's "Living With Qmail" (Link from www.qmail.org; sorry I
haven't my booksmarks at hand) has a table that shows the backoff and
retry times.


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