Hotdog writes:
 > "qmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer
 > agent. It is meant as a replacement for the entire sendmail-binmail
 > system on typical Internet-connected UNIX hosts", yeah,yeah....but
 > in my feeling, it is not so fast at all.(I have use qmail for
 > nearly 1 year!)
 > The data show:
 > 1. Qmail is more slow  than sendmail;
 > 2. Qmail can run more fast in some worm-eaten computer. (Impossible? but it is 
 > WHY ?  WHY ?

Because sendmail is playing "fast and loose" with your email.  Because
it runs as one monolithic program, it delivers straight to a user's
mailbox from the incoming SMTP stream.  This is also why sendmail has
had so many security lapses, and is not likely to ever be as secure as
qmail.  It's design is not trustworthy.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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