On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 05:09:46PM -0600, Gregory Adams wrote:
> Will qmail work with a dynamic ip address?  I have an almost always on
> connection and a "dynip.com" like host name that always points to my
> machine.
> One of my friends has a mail server running with his NT machine using a
> similar setup.  It must be doable on linux.
Hello Gregory,
I think this should be no problem, I run qmail via a ISDN-dialup-line and
dynamic IP without problem. To stop qmail from delivering remote EMail
immediately either get serialmail or the ``hold-remote''-patch from
www.qmail.org, the latter one being easier to configure but not that flexible.

If you give your ISP's mail-server as smarthost and relay all your mail
through it, you should have no problems at all. However, you will not be
able to figure out, if the mail you sent has been received by the
recipient's mailserver without problems. I therefore try to deliver all
mails myself, but as some mailers are configured to dislike hosts or domains
without a regular IP (picard.inka.de has a MX-entry but not a static IP),
for these I enter my ISP's mailserver as smarthost in smtproutes.

privat:   http://sites.inka.de/picard
commerce: http://www.webideal.de
qmail, ldap, serialfax, rh-isdn: http://www.webideal.de/#downloads

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