Just to add..

> >qmail-1.03, qmailanalog-0.70
> >
> >I'm truing to make two quieries for a user:
> >
> >1. Who the user sends mail to (and how many)?
> >2. Who the user receives mail from (and how many)?
> >
> >So, I do the folloing with my processed "mail.log":
> >
> >cat mail.log | xsender [EMAIL PROTECTED] | zrecipients
> >cat mail.log | xrecipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] | zsenders
> >
> >The first one works fine, but the second one doesn't.
> >May be I'm wrong somewhere ...
> Does "xrecipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mail.log" work?
> Does "zsenders <mail.log" work?
> How does "xrecipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mail.log | zsenders" fail?

I'm using the same versions of qmail and qmailanalog.. and none of those
work for me.

I think someone already asked, but can someone post in some qmailanalog
commands that actually work? And maybe just a snippet of what a working
qmail-analog analysis looks like?



Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

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