"Patrick, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Yes: http://www.qmail.org/eliminate-dups .
>Does this tool work on both Mailbox and ./Maildir user mail storage

It works with all forms of delivery. You just specify the name of a
file that will contain a database of message hashes. If the current
message matches one in the database, eliminate-dups returns exit code
99, which causes qmail-local to ignore further delivery instructions
in the .qmail file. E.g.:

  | eliminate-dups inbox

keeps a database in "inbox" for a maildir mailbox called "Maildir". If 
the message is a duplicate, the Maildir delivery won't happen.

The entries following the "| eliminate-dups" line can be anything
qmail-local supports: maildirs, mboxes, programs, or forwards.


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