Yeah, just before every all remote deliveries ( remote 26/50, remote
25/50, remote 0/50), it happend.

So, i got just a exitasap after each ".....status: local 0/10 remote
x/50" line.

Seems crasy, isn't it?

PS: Again, i just killall -HUP qmail-send.


ADA, n.:
        Something you need only know the name of to be an Expert in
Computing.  Useful in sentences like, "We had better develop an ADA

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dave Sill wrote:

> I wrote:
> >"Gustavo Rios" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Suddenly, my qmail died with the following in /var/log/qmail:
> >>
> >><timestamp> status: local 0/10 remote 25/50 exitasap
> >>blah.. blah.... blah...
> >>
> >>Does anybody, knows how to fix it?
> >>any tip?
> >
> >Stop doing "kill [PID of qmail-send]"?
> >
> >qmail is dying because somebody's telling it to die.
> Actually, there are other ways that "exitasap" exits can happen, but
> qmail-send will log the reason, e.g.:
>   alert: oh no! lost qmail-clean connection! dying...
>   alert: oh no! lost spawn connection! dying...
> -Dave

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