Hello Qmail community,

   I have some architecture questions:

1) qmail_smtpd send (via pipe) to qmail_queue in the following

     - email message

     - "F" (from string)

     - list if "T" (To) strings

     Is this true??  (In qmail_queue.main, I see where it is checking
               "syntax" for "F" and "T".)

2) I am looking at Pictures/PIC.rem2local. It describes flow from
      qmail_smtpd -> qmail_queue -> .... qmail-local.

   - It says that qmail_send checks domain, e.g. heaven.af.mil.
       Where is this in the code??

   - It says in qmail-lspawn that we check whether "joe" has an
        acoount. Again where is this check???


Vasili N Galchin

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