
I would really appreciate some help for getting maildrop and
it's filters to work with fetchmail and my ~/Maildir.

Here is my $HOME/.qmail

=> '| /usr/local/bin/maildrop'

and /etc/maildroprc

=> DEFAULT="./Maildir"

My $HOME/.fetchmailrc

=> poll mypop.ibm.net protocol pop3 username myusername password mypassword
=> mda "/usr/local/bin/maildrop"

An excerpt from my $HOME/.mailfilter

=> ### Store messages to Qmail in their own folder
=> if ( /^To: *qmail@list\.cr\.yp\.to.*/ \
=>    || /^Cc: *qmail@list\.cr\.yp\.to.*/ )
=> {
=>   to Mail/qmail
=> }

In .fetchmailrc, if I use the "deliver-maildir" MDA, all the mail goes into
my "inbox". No filtering. When I point mda to maildrop, nothing happens.
There is a stream of mail coming in (pppstats output) but does not show up
in the Maildir.

Can someone please tell me what am I missing?

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao

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