This is EXACTLY what I want to do too! But right now my mailserver is STILL
an OPEN RELAY. Can someone please help me fix it?

/Michael Boman

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 November, 1999 17:18 PM
> To: Qmail List
> Subject: re: remote users sending mail prob
> I've read the docs on relaying but still can't get it to work
> My members can be anywhere in the world.. and use various isp's , but
> they have an email account here.
> I want them (the people who have email accounts here) to be able to send
> email through here as this is their mailserver and block everyone else..
> example:
> member calls their isp..  (they don't have a perminent isp.. they have
> multiple internet accountsmove around..)
> their mail account here is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> they have my mailserver as their mail server <>
> they can pick up their mail but when they try to send mail
> their mailer reports that :
> the message could not be sent because the recipient was rejected by the
> server
> ......
> protocol smtp server responce 553 sorry that domain isn't in my list of
> allowed
> rcpthosts (#5.7.1) port 25 secure (ssl) no server error 553  error
> number Ox800ccc79
> however i can send a message to the same account which they are trying
> to send to from here (local machine) without any problems

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