Ricardo Cerqueira wrote:
> > --------------------------------
> > /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c55 -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 7791 -g 2108 0
> > smtp \
> > sh -c '
> > /usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> > cd /usr/local/qmail/autoturn
> > exec setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock \
> > maildirsmtp $TCPREMOTEIP autoturn-$TCPREMOTEIP- $TCPREMOTEIP AutoTURN 2>&1 | 
>splogger etrn '
> Change this line like the above.
>                                         Regards;
>                                                 Ricardo


        Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. Since I
use daemontools instead of syslog, I just substituted the "splogger
etrn" part in your script by a call to accustamp / cyclog:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c55 -v -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 7791 -g 2108 0
smtp \
sh -c '
cd /usr/local/qmail/autoturn
exec setlock -nx $TCPREMOTEIP/seriallock \
2>&1 | \
/usr/local/bin/accustamp | /usr/local/bin/setuser root
/usr/local/bin/cyclog -n12 /var/log/qmail-receive &

        After doing this, the output of tcpserver and qmail-smtpd still go to
the screen. I also tried to add all the log commands (accustamp,
setuser, cyclog, etc.) after the qmail-smtpd invocation in the shell

sh -c '
/usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/accustamp |
/usr/local/bin/setuser root /usr/local/bin/cyclog -n12
/var/log/qmail-receive & 

        With no effect. What am I doing wrong here?

                                                Paulo Jan.

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