> I can't seem to check new emails when using Maildir. What I did was this.
> Maildir in ~doods is a symlink to /var/spool/mail/doods.

i may have misunderstood your situation but Maildir is a directory and
/var/spool/mail/doods is a txt file and the formats of mbox and maildir
are totally different. it's obvious that this linking won't solve the
problem. you should decide which one to use, the mbox format or the 
maildir format. maildir's said to be more stable but pine says that that
format's too slow, dunno. i prefer maildir anyway. 

> If I send to doods, the mail goes in /var/spool/mail/doods. The only problem
> now is that this user can't retrieve his emails. Are there any variables that I
> should change for my users? What am I missing here?

if the user's getting his/her mail via POP3 there shoudln't be any
prob. if he/she's using pine or elm or sth like that then read the FAQ, it
tells you what to do. there are two wrappers coming with qmail, pinq and
elq that convert the maildir format to mbox and run pine (or
elm) afterwards. i am using these with no probs...

hope this helps a bit and sorry about my bad language,
love, etc etc

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