Jan Stanik writes:
 > Hi,
 >      What does mean this error message:
 > 943972904.643716 delivery 1174: deferral: 
 > Connected_to_194.1.130.66_but_connecti
 > on_died._Possible_duplicate!_(#4.4.2)/

It means that it connected to, but the connection died
before the email was completely transferred.  It's possible that the
mail will be duplicated, because as far as qmail's SMTP client is
concerned, it threw the entire message down the socket, including the
SMTP termination sequence, but didn't get any response.

 > Is anywhere complete list of error messages?

What problem would that solve (I'm not being obstreperous.  I just
want to hear you express the problem in words before you start a
premature search for the solution).

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
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