>I was always wondering where this list is being hosted. "to" is Tongo.
>My geography knowledge is kind of getting rusty. Where is Tongo?
>Is it one of the new countries on the map?

The physical location of Tongo is a widely-held secret.  It hosts a
286 running Xenix and a specially ported version of BIND that serves
top-level domain names ending in ".to".

Almost all of the actual computers that "own" those domain names reside
in places other than Tongo.

Welcome to cyberspace.  ;-)

And, yes, my first paragraph is basically just a joke.  Look at
www.tonic.to for some idea of what's going on.  But it's likely true
that at least 90% of the computers serving .to addresses are not
in Tongo.

NOTE: Some people think the name of the country actually is "Tonga".
It doesn't matter.  Only ".to" matters, just as there's no such country
as America or even the USA, just ".com", ".edu", ".gov", etc.  Similarly,
the squirrels in my neighborhood now have their own domain -- ".nut".

        tq vm, (burley)

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