
i know that deleting a mail from the queue is not recommended (i don't
know why though) but i had to delete all the 29 mails waiting to be
transferred (qmail-qstat said there were 29). i ran qmail-clean but had to  
hit CTRL+C when there was no responce from it after ca 1min. qmail-qstat
said there were still 29 mails in the queue. i had thought it should have
removed some at least. i killed qmail-send and tried running qmail-clean
again but nth changed. 
i read its man page also (qmail's man pages are pretty explanatory and
informative generally) but couldn't see any info i needed. errm, what does
qmail-clean do? if it does not remove the mails in the queue why does it
exist (i don't aim to be rude with this question, don't misunderstand
pls)? or should i rgrep the ~queue directory for the mails to be removed
and delete them manually?

thank you...

love and peace etc,

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