nslookup spigot.nbs-inc.com
Server:  mail.vcnet.com

*** mail.vcnet.com can't find spigot.nbs-inc.com: Non-existent host/domain

Running qmail-pop3d requires you to put the FQDN on the command line 
with qmail-popup. The qmail-pop3d.init script you're using appears to 
be testing the FQDN the machine thinks it has, but it's failing (as 
my nslookup failed above).

  A) you could hard code a _valid_ FQDN into the script after 
qmail-popup (eg, qmail-popup host.domain.com checkpasswd ...).

  B) you could make it so spigot.nbs-inc.com has a valid address.


At 1:52 PM -0600 12/3/99, Shawn P. Stanley wrote:
>I'm using dnsfq because I'm using /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail-pop3d.init.  I'm
>using /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail-pop3d.init because that's what README.qmail-run
>said.  I'm using README.qmail-run because I had no other instructions that
>referenced starting qmail-pop3d.
>If something's wrong with my DNS, I'm not aware of what exactly it is.
>"Hard error" doesn't give any clues.  Is there source to dnsfq?  Perhaps by
>examining what it considers a "Hard error" I can discover what it might
>think is wrong with my DNS.

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